April is National Poetry Month. Do you like poetry? It sneaks in a lot of places in our lives. We don’t always recognize it. When we are young, we hear it in the silly songs and nursery rhymes our parents share with us. We of course hear it in school; it is a part of any class on literature, or it should be. We struggle through the metered lines of Shakespeare looking for the plot. When we are young and falling in love, we may be drawn in by the Romantic poetry of the 18th and 19th Century. (“How do I love Thee, let me count the ways.”) But is it really a part of a grown person’s life? If you sing along with a favorite Country song or pray the 23rd Psalm, you are quoting poetry.
In an article in the Epoch Times (4/5-11), Karen Doll shares some ideas for sharing poetry with children. She suggests reading poetry aloud, create poetry, illustrate and dramatize poetry, host a poetry tea party or participate in “Poem in your Pocket” day ( April 27). If you are interested in any of these ideas, respond to this blog and we can share more ideas and inspiration. And look in our library for books on poems and rhymes this month.