Friends of the Library

Join the Friends of the Library
Membership Dues | |
Individual | $5 |
Family | $10 |
Business | $25 |
Lifetime | $100 |
Because The Sequatchie County Friends of the Library, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) organization (non-profit), annual due are tax-deductible.
Come by the Sequatchie County Public Library to fill out a membership form.
Once you complete the form, you may deliver it, along with a check or cash for your dues to the librarians or a FOL member. If you prefer, you may mail the completed form, along with the check for your dues, to:
Sequatchie County Public Library
227 Cherry Street
Dunlap, TN 37327
When & Where
Do the Friends of the Library Meet?
At 4PM on the 2nd Tuesday of each month, the Friends of the Library meet at the library – 227 Cherry Street.
Membership Renewal
We especially appreciate all who remember membership renewal is required each January and renew their memberships without further reminder. This helps to cut down on costs and volunteer time!
Each year please complete a new membership form by either downloading it from this site or by obtaining one at the library.

Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library
You can donate online or at the library to help provide free books for local children! Use the link below to make an online donation for kids in Sequatchie county:
Each month, Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library mails a high quality, age appropriate book to all registered children, addressed to them, at no cost to the child’s family. Countless parents have shared how excited their child is when their new book arrives each month. Many groups and individuals work hard behind the scenes to make that special moment possible for each child.
The Imagination Library provides the infrastructure of the core program including managing the secure central database for the Book Order System and coordinating book selections and wholesale purchasing. It also incurs the cost of the program’s administrative expenses and coordinates the monthly mailings.
Our Friends of the Library raises funds to pay for the books local children receive.
Local Affiliates of the program – like our Friends of the Library – are responsible for enrolling children who live within the geographical area they offered the program in. They promote their local programs online and at events. While the Imagination Library negotiates wholesale pricing for the books, the Local Affiliates and Partners are responsible for securing funds to cover that cost. Books are 100% free to enrolled children because their Local Affiliate has secured funds to cover the cost of the books and the shipping fees.
Who are the Friends of the Library?
You are! Anyone can be a Friend of the Library. Friends of the Library recognize that our public library is a vital community resource and volunteer their time to help support, promote, and raise funds to help the library continue to serve our community with distinction.
What do the Friends of the Library do?
Friends of the Library participate in volunteer activities that support the community and library. They also support children’s activities like the summer reading program, partner with the Imagination Library, sponsor art exhibits feature local artists held in conjunction with Valley Fest, promote book signings and community events, and encourage a monthly book discussion group focused on local authors and local interests.
Some of the Friends of the Library’s largest and most successful ongoing projects are highlights below.
The Annual Friends of the Library Book Sale

Our Friends volunteer to recycle books for the book sales held every year. Proceeds directly support our library.
Donated books that don’t become part of library’s collection go to the book sale! You can click here or on the image above to go to our Book Sale & Silent Auction Page!
Next Book Sale Dates – FALL 2025 TBD

** The first day is a FRIENDS ONLY day. Only members of the Friends of the Library get an exclusive first-access to the book sale and the silent auction. You can easily join the Friends by coming to the Sequatchie County Public Library, filling out the membership form, and paying your dues.

Donate Used Books
Please donate your books, videos, CDs, and magazines to us for our bi-annual sales. Your donations provide others in our community with very low-cost access to reading and audio and video materials, decrease the burden on our landfills, and can yield a tax deduction for you!
Art & The Library Exhibition

The Friends of the Library sponsor a yearly art exhibition during Valley Fest.
The artists are local and regional. Attendees vote for their favorite pieces as the “People’s Choice” in two-dimensional and three-dimensional categories. The winners will be recognized at the Friends annual meeting in January.
They start taking applications for the Exhibition starting in April – about a month before the event. You can participate as an artist or volunteer your time to help set-up and maintain the event.
Little Free Libraries

Cagle Community Center
8230 TN-8
Fredonia Community Center
5240 Fredonia Road
312 Resource Road
Lewis Chapel Community Center
4760 Henson Gap Road
Harris Park
Dunlap. TN
35.3736988,-85.3882883 *
Sequatchie County Courthouse
Cherry Street
Gazebo By the Library
Dunlap, TN
35.37106, -85.39142 *
Griffith Elementary School
173 Jones Drive
John Griswold Recreation Park
Park Entrance Drive
Daus Community Center
Daus Community Center Road
35.31578, -85.43376 *
*Some Free Little Libraries do not have actual addresses. The markers on the maps are very close to the box locations, but may not be 100% accurate.
How do Little Free Libraries work?
A Little Free Library is a free book-sharing box where anyone may take a book or share a book. They function on the honor system. You do not need to share a book in order to take one. If you take a book or two from a little library, try to bring some to share to that same library, or another in your area, when you can.
Do I need a library card to use the Little Free Libraries?
No. You don’t need anything but a desire to read!
I have a question or comment about the Little Free Libraries
Contact the library by phone or at While the Sequatchie County Public Library itself doesn’t tend the Little Free Libraries, we will pass on comments or concerns to the Friends of the Library.
How can I help?
Members of the Friends of the Library take care of the Little Free Libraries. They add new books, clean and maintain the boxes, and get rid of damaged books. Join the Friends of the Library and volunteer to help take care of one of the Free Little Libraries near you!